Master Course in Health Services Research
Good reasons to study Health Services Research at the MHB:
practice-oriented and science-based course
modern teaching concept: Blended Learning
intensive supervision and coaching during studies and preparation of master thesis
individual assistance with study organization
close cooperation with healthcare facilities
extensive network of cooperating researchers in the field
New answers to old challenges
It has often been argued that our healthcare system works pretty well, particularly in comparison with other nations. But it is fairly obvious today that our health system is comparably expensive and has long been inadequate to meet current challenges. The option to regulate the system via legislation has gradually become less effective. All experts are aware of the situation, there are many efforts to improve it, but we seem to make no headway. A new mindset is required to address the problems of today and tomorrow. The new Master course in Health Services Research is intended to critically appraise existing structures and develop solutions for care provision in rural areas.
In general terms, health services research aims to improve care structures for the benefit of patients and develop solutions via scientific investigation of care realities under everyday conditions. The basic research approach is inter- and transdisciplinary. Accordingly, health services research is a multidisciplinary field of research and concerned with the theoretical and empirical fundamentals of care provision to individuals and the overall population in the context of our health system.
With the intention to convey the pertinent knowledge and skills, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB) launched a new consecutive Master course in Health Services Research (M.Sc.) in the winter term 2022/23; organizationally assigned to the Faculty of Health Sciences (FGW), the course is located at the Center for Health Services Research ZFV-BB in Rüdersdorf near Berlin.
The Master course targets change makers and health pioneers who are willing to help change and improve our dysfunctional healthcare system.
Typical spheres of activity
Organizations in the health system (medical chambers and associations, health insurers, support groups, pharmaceutical companies, consulting firms etc.)
Health politics (health boards, government departments, local and state authorities etc.)
Healthcare provision (hospital administration, clinics, rehabilitation facilities etc.)
Positions in quality development and control
Positions in advanced training for health professionals
Consultancy in administrations, host institutions and associations
Scientific activities in research and student instruction at universities and institutions of tertiary education
For more details (in German) see here.