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Integrated Working Group "Mental Health Policy & Digitization"
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The “Mental Health Policy & Digitization Research Group” combines approaches from health systems research and digitization in the field of mental health. The following overarching research questions will be addressed:
- What health system conditions are needed to enable equitable, consistent, tailored and integrated mental health care?
- How can mHealth, telemedicine and open digital information structures contribute to this?
Our goal is to critically examine digitization in order to develop concepts, models, and applications for sustainable, recovery-oriented mental health care.
Methods of organizational health services research, health systems research and health policy analyses will be used to answer the research questions. Qualitative and quantitative methods such as analysis of primary, secondary and routine data, effectiveness and efficiency analyses are used. By applying participatory digital health approaches, our research group works closely with the Mental Health* research group, also located at the Brandenburg Medical School.
We are a member of several national and international research networks, including the German Network Health Service Research (DNVF), the European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation (ENMESH) and the Health Data Program (HEDA).
If you are interested in our studies on Open Notes in the field of mental health, you can find out more on the PEPPPSY project homepage: www.pepppsy.de
If you would like to schedule a research consultation with Julian Schwarz, please follow this link: termin.digitalpsychiatry.de
Our studies and projects are funded by:
Dr. med.
Julian Schwarz
Facharzt; Zentrum für Versorgungsforschung, Arbeitsbereich für patientenorientierte Versorgungsforschung; Sprecher der IAG Mental Health Policy & Digitalization MHB Campus Rüdersdorf
Telefonnummer: +49 33638 83-501
Current projects and studies
Digital mental health applications (DMHAs) can improve mental health and enable underserved populations to receive timely care. However, they have been little used in Germany. Human guidance can increase engagement with DMHAs. In the pilot project "Digital Navigators for Acceptance and Competence Development" (DigiNavi), running from 07/2024 - 07/2025, members of medical teams will be trained as specialists for DMHAs (so-called "digital navigators") and implemented in general practice and outpatient psychiatric care in several rural regions of Brandenburg. The DigiNavi-study examines the acceptance, expectations and effects of digital navigators. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health and takes place in close cooperation with national (Hannover Medical School, TU Braunschweig) and Harvard Medical School (USA) universities. For more information, please visit our project website (www.diginavi.de).
Study team:
Eva Meier-Diedrich, M.Sc. (research assistant)
Darja Schubert (doctoral student)
Justin Speck, B.Sc. (student assistant)
Laura Uchtmann (research assistant/WiMi)
Julia Schönbeck (student assistant/SHK)
ePA.Dove is a project at the Center for Health Services Research at the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB; duration: 1/2024 - 06/2025) and is funded by the internal research funding of the MHB. ePA.Dove stands for “Effects of a participatory, digital patient record on the documentation behavior of practitioners”. It is part of the PEPPPSY study, which is implementing and evaluating a first open notes pilot in psychiatric care in Germany. ePA.Dove investigates how the documentation and documentation behavior of practitioners changes when they share their clinical notes with patients digitally.
Study team:
Eva Meier-Diedrich, M.Sc. (project manager, research assistant)
EvAdoR stands for “Evaluation of the adolescent ward at Vitos Clinic Riedstadt”. The study on process and outcome evaluation is being conducted by the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Brandenburg Medical School and Hanover Medical School (duration: 1/2023 - 4/2025). Module A uses qualitative methods to investigate how patients, relatives and healthcare professionals experience and evaluate the adolescent ward (compared to standard care). Module B analyzes primary and routine data to determine the utilization of services as well as selected quality indicators and to illustrate the effectiveness of the adolescent ward in comparison to standard care.
Study team:
Lena-Sophie Pluschke, M.Sc. (research assistant, Module A)
Dr. Jan Wolff, M.Sc. (research assistant, Module B)
Elena Lindner (student assistant/SHK)
Koda-StäB stands for “ Concept development for digitally assisted inpatient equivalent treatment” and is a project at the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Brandenburg Medical School (MHB, duration: 01/2024 - 04/2025). Koda-StäB uses participatory, qualitative methods to investigate how digital tools can be integrated during inpatient equivalent psychiatric treatment (StäB) in order to integrate and improve the patient focus of this form of care. The study is based on a best-practice model of StäB from the patient's perspective, which was developed as part of the AKtiV study (funding: Innovation Fund) and examines, among other things, its feasibility using digitalization options. The project is being carried out in collaboration with the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Thomas Schrader) and Joanneum Research Graz (Stefan Hochwarter) and is supported by the Center for Clinical Studies Brandenburg (ZKS-BB). Koda-StäB is funded by the internal research funding of the MHB.
Study team:
Hannah Mundry (project manager/doctoral student)
PEPPPSY is a project at the Center for Health Services Research at the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB; duration: 6/2021 - 09/2026). PEPPPSY stands for “Piloting and Evaluation of a Participatory Patient Record in Psychiatry and Somatics”. It is the first open notes pilot in psychiatric care in Germany. Another pilot is also being offered at the University Outpatient Clinic for General Medicine at Witten/Herdecke University since 2019. PEPPPSY was and is being developed in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway). Detailed project information can be found on the project website (www.pepppsy.de).
Study team:
Eva Meier-Diedrich, M.Sc. (research assistant)
Jonas Wördemann (student assistant and doctoral student)
Justin Speck, B.Sc. (student assistant)
Mareike Weibezahl, MD (doctoral student)
Online survey: Use of AI-Chatbots in Psychiatry
The current rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly affecting doctors in the fields of psychiatry and neuroscience. According to a survey of members of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), 70% of respondents find AI applications such as ChatGPT helpful for completing administrative tasks. Up to 44% of American psychiatrists even use AI chatbots to support them in clinical matters. Patients also use the applications to prepare for medical appointments, for example. The MHB is conducting a survey on the use of AI in medical-psychiatric work as part of a psychology bachelor's thesis, which is primarily aimed at medical practitioners. The online survey is financed by the MHB (duration: 9/2024 - 4/2025) and can be accessed via the following link: https://zvfbb.limequery.org/616383
Study team:
Dr. Jenny Gergs (psychological psychotherapist)
Lena Holtz (psychology student)
Charlotte Blease, PhD (Ass. Prof. @ Uppsala University, Sweden)
In an increasing number of countries, patients are being granted access to the clinical notes (“open notes”) of their practitioners via online portals. In Germany, this option is not yet available in routine care. The OpenNOTES study (duration: 3/2025 - 2/2028) investigates (1) the influence of open notes on patient empowerment, (2) the use of artificial intelligence for patient-centered phrasing of clinical notes, and (3) ways to implement open notes in standard care. OpenNOTES stands for “Online access to clinical treatment notes for outpatients”. The project is funded by the Innovation Fund of the Joint Federal Committee and takes place in close cooperation with the IMVR (Institute for Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science) of the University of Cologne and the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB).
Study team:
Eva Meier-Diedrich, M.Sc. (research assistant)
Jonas Wördemann (student assistant/SHK)
Pelin Özkara Menekseoglu, MD (research assistant)
Evaluation of AI-Assisted Documentation Software for Mental Health Professionals
This study focuses on the experiences of mental health professionals using AI-powered documentation software. Key aspects include the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the technology, concerns related to data privacy and ethics, and professionals' expectations for improvement and optimization of the software in psychotherapy settings. By addressing these areas, the study (duration: 1/2025 - 7/2025) aims to assess the practical impact of AI tools on therapeutic workflows and provide recommendations for their development and implementation in mental health care. The research questions will be explored through qualitative expert interviews.
Study Team:
Vera Goer (project manager/doctoral student)
Completed projects and studies
The study “Expert appraisal on the possibilities of reporting on compulsory admissions in psychiatry, the use of restraint measures and their accompanying circumstances in the state of Brandenburg” (in short: GBE-Psych-Bbg) is a project at the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf, Brandenburg Medical School (duration: 12/2022 - 6/2023). The aim of the study is to investigate the possibilities for improving psychiatry reporting for the state of Brandenburg. Among other things, the reliability, validity and availability of data on psychiatric hospitalization in Brandenburg will be analyzed in comparison to other federal states. In addition, recommendations for indicators to reduce and avoid placement and restraint measures will be developed. The study is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection of the State of Brandenburg.
Study team:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Yuriy Ignatyev, MD (research associate)
Philip Kühntopp (student assistant)
Home Delivered Peer Led Treatment vs. Home Delivered Treatment
- A Randomized Controlled Multicentre Pilot Trial
This study was conducted in collaboration with the Universities of Hamburg and Ulm.
Study team:
Lena-Sophie Pluschke, M.Sc. (research assistant)
PEP.AGE is a project at the Center for Health Services Research at the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB; duration: 7/2023 - 06/2024) and is funded by the Center for Aging Research (ZFA-BB, MHB). PEP.AGE stands for “Piloting and evaluation of a participatory, digital file for geriatric patients and their care partners”. The project is part of the PEPPPSY study, which is implementing and evaluating the first open notes pilot in psychiatric care in Germany. PEP.AGE investigates whether and how older patients and their care partners can use open notes.
Study team:
Eva Meier-Diedrich, M.Sc. (research assistant)
ShaRe is a project of the University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Brandenburg Medical School and the University of Witten/Herdecke (duration (6/2022 - 5/2023). The study was funded by the American CommonWealth Fund.
ShaRe stands for “Psychiatrists' perceptions of the Benefits and Barriers Associated with Sharing Electronic Health Records and Clinical Notes with Psychiatric Patients: A Qualitative Study”. The project examines psychiatrists' perceived barriers to unrestricted patient access to EHRs as well as the associated opportunities and potential risks.
Study team:
Lena-Sophie Pluschke, M.Sc. (research assistant)
von Peter S, Ziegenhagen J, Göppert L, et al. Participatory Process Evaluation of Flexible
and Integrative Treatment (FIT) Models in German Psychiatry – A Mixed Method Study. J Mix Methods Res 2024; 15586898241233311. doi:10.1177/15586898241233311
Schwarz J, Meier-Diedrich E, Neumann K, et al.
Schwarz J, Meier-Diedrich E, Neumann K, et al. Reasons for Acceptance or Rejection of
Online Record Access Among Patients Affected by a Severe Mental Illness: Mixed
Methods Study. JMIR Ment Health 2024; 11: e51126. Pubmed: 38315523
Reasons for Acceptance or Rejection of Online Record Access Among Patients Affected by a Severe Mental Illness: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Ment Health 2024; 11: e51126. Pubmed: 38315523
Längle G, Raschmann S, Heinsch A, et al. [Does Inpatient Equivalent Home Treatment
lead to higher satisfaction? Results on satisfaction of persons involved in treatment within the Multi-center AKtiV Study]. Psychiatr Prax 2024; 51: 202–208. doi:10.1055/a-2179-6983
von Peter S, Jänchen P, Göppert L, et al. Erlebensbezogene Qualitätsmerkmale für die
psychiatrische Behandlung: Vorstellung eines vorläufigen multivariaten Konstrukts. Z Evid
Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 2023; 176: 51–60. doi:10.1016/j.zefq.2022.12.002
Rout S, Ignatyev Y, Schwarz J, et al. Transition from child and adolescent to adult
psychiatry in a German metropolitan region: An explorative cross-sectional study. Psychiatr
Prax 2023; 50: 234–240. Pubmed: 37059452
Schwarz J, Wolff J, Heinze M, et al. How to measure staff continuity in intensive psychiatric
home treatment: a routine data and single case analysis. Front Psychiatry 2023; 14:
1166197. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1166197
Nikolaidis K, Weinmann S, von Peter S, et al. [IEHT or inpatient treatment? - First results of
the multicenter AKtiV study on inpatient-equivalent home treatment regarding the study
population and index treatment]. Psychiatr Prax 2023; 50: 407–414.
Pubmed: 37683674
Weinmann S, Nikolaidis K, Längle G, et al. Premature termination, satisfaction with care,
and shared decision-making during home treatment compared to inpatient treatment: A
quasi-experimental trial. Eur Psychiatry 2023; 66: e71. Pubmed: 37681407
Schwarz, J., Hoetger, C., Pluschke, L. Psychiatrists’ perceptions of conditions and
consequences associated with the implementation of open notes: qualitative investigation.
2023; Im Internet: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3583227/latest; Stand:
20.05.2024 doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-3583227/v1
Schwarz J, Berghöfer A, von Peter S. flexible and integrative psychiatric treatment (FIT)
models in Germany. Nervenheilkunde 42(11):763-770 2023; Pubmed: 34874468
Meier-Diedrich E, Davidge G, Hägglund M, et al. Changes in Documentation Due to
Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res
Protoc 2023; 12: e46722. Pubmed: 37639298
von Peter S, Schwarz J, Brieger P. Psychiatrische Modellvorhaben (nach § 64b) – bereit
für die Regelversorgung? Nervenheilkunde 2023; 42: 751–755. Pubmed: 33902127
Garcia TB, Kliemt R, Claus F, et al. Self-reported versus administrative data records:
implications for assessing healthcare resource utilization of mental disorders. Research
Square 2023; doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-2634643/v1
Hochwarter S, Fehler G, Muente C, et al. Design of a Patient-Accessible Electronic Health
Record System in Mental Health. Stud Health Technol Inform 2022; 294: 583–584. Pubmed: 35612155
Schwarz J, Esch T. [OpenNotes in mental health? Pro]. Nervenarzt 2022; 93: 1163–1164
Ignatyev Y, Habicht J, Schwarz J, et al. Biometrische Eigenschaften des
QUALIFY-Instruments zur Bewertung von Qualitätsindikatoren. Z Evid Fortbild Qual
Gesundhwes 2022; 170: 7–13. Pubmed: 35913587
von Peter S, Krispin H, Kato Glück R, et al. Needs and Experiences in Psychiatric
Treatment (NEPT)- Piloting a Collaboratively Generated, Initial Research Tool to Evaluate
Cross-Sectoral Mental Health Services. Front Psychiatry 2022; 13: 781726.
Pubmed: 35153874
Schwarz J, Hemmerling J, Kabisch N, et al. Equal access to outreach mental health care?
Exploring how the place of residence influences the use of intensive home treatment in a
rural catchment area in Germany. BMC Psychiatry 2022; 22: 826.
Pubmed: 36572855
Hochwarter S, Schwarz J, Muehlensiepen F, et al. Becoming a Guest: On Proximity and
Distance in Mental Health Home Treatment. Comput Support Coop Work 2022; 1–31.
Heinze M, Schwarz J, Cechnicki A. Flexible and integrated treatment approaches in mental
health – a comparison of model projects in Germany and Poland. Int J Integr Care 2022;
Pubmed: 37426311
Reinke B, Mahlke C, Botros C, et al. Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
evaluating home treatment with peer support for acute mental health crises (HoPe). BMC
Psychiatry 2022; 22: 619. Pubmed: 36123649
Schwarz J, Cechnicki A, Godyń J, et al. Flexible and Integrative Psychiatric Care Based on
a Global Treatment Budget: Comparing the Implementation in Germany and Poland. Front
Psychiatry 2021; 12: 760276. Pubmed: 35069275