Institute of Health Services and Health Systems Research
The IVGF (abbreviation of the German title) addresses the entire spectrum of research into health services and health systems. The focus is on three key areas: Regional Health Services Research collects and analyses data (such as official statistics, secondary data etc.) for the illustration and presentation of current issues and time sequences. Knowledge Translation describes the dynamic and iterative process of displaying synthesis, dissemination and implementation in practice including the relevant stakeholders. The third area is Patient Involvement; the idea is to ensure that research addresses questions that are of relevance to patients and the general population and correspond to their needs.
Research assistants at the Institute have expertise in the planning and evaluation of studies of different designs, including qualitative as well as quantitative methods. The wide range of methods responds to the claim that the methodology chosen must correspond to the respective research question. It also covers various types of evidence synthesis such as systematic reviews / meta analyses, scoping reviews or guidelines. In addition, the IVGF conducts research-on-research studies with the aim to improve the quality of research.
The IVGF is moreover in charge of the Master course in Health Services Research (Masterstudiengang Versorgungsforschung (M.Sc.)), located at the Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences (Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg (FGW)).
For more detailed information (in German) see here.