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Writing history right from the start

The first priority at the Brandenburg Medical School is to train students as physicians, psychologists and psychotherapists with head, heart and hand. The institution itself is in a permanent process of growth and development. Here is the story of how visions have become – and are still becoming – realty at the MHB.

Period of growth: 2019 until today


28 November 2023

Brandenburg supports MHB. The Brandenburg government, so Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke and Manja Schüle as Minister for Science, Research and Cultural Affairs on a visit to Neuruppin, will remain a reliable partner for the MHB. One declared aim is a cooperation between the MHB and the new Cottbus Innovation Center of University Medicine (ICU).

9 November 2023

Publication of study. A multinational study with almost one million test subjects confirms a correlation between radiation exposure from computer tomography in young persons and an increased risk of blood cancer. This is the key conclusion from latest data analyses in the EPI-CT study with participation of the Institute of Biostatistics and Registry Research at the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB). Results were published in the journal Nature Medicine.  

28 October 2023

Graduation ceremony. Family, friends and companions attended a farewell ceremony for 39 psychology graduates at the event location Kulturkirche in Neuruppin. 23 acquired a Bachelor degree whereas 16 successfully completed the Master course “Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy”, including the second cohort of Master students who passed the exam pursuant to new licensing regulations for psychotherapists.

20 October 2023

Award-winning presentation. 8th-semester MHB medical student Pauline Sadrieh gave an award-winning presentation at the 32nd meeting of APPA, the association of pediatric pulmonologists and allergologists in Brandenburg/Havel. Her doctoral project explores effects of a new highly potent ETI (Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor) therapy on stomach pains in children with mucoviscidosis, a congenital life-limiting multisystem disease.

12 October 2023

State Secretary visits MHB. Tobias Dünow, State Secretary at the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs, visited the MHB campus Neuruppin and met with students of medicine and psychology and the university boards. He inspected the modern training facilities for prospective physicians and declared himself impressed by the progress achieved at the Brandenburg Medical School in its short history.

6 September 2023

Joint position paper. Experience reports on illness, while of use to others affected, need to meet certain criteria to be reliable. The German network on health competences has published a pertinent position paper on such criteria. Drawn up by experts, the set of rules describes how to compile and publish experience reports. The MHB Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology (director: Prof. Christine Holmberg) was involved via the German database project for individual patient experience (DIPEx Germany).

24 August 2023

International symposium. The MHB and the Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences FWG hosted the international LOOOP symposium for the first time. Plans to reform health sciences curricula in Germany, Switzerland and South Africa were in the focus of discussions.


11 August 2023

State accreditation extended. The Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs has prematurely extended the accreditation of the MHB up to 31 March 2026. Procedures have started but on-site inspection by the Science Council is not possible before November or December 2023, which means the entire process will be delayed.


31 July 2023

Range of courses expanded. Starting with the summer term 2024, the MHB introduces a new hybrid variant of its Bachelor course in psychology pursuant to new licensing regulations. Positive experience of online instruction during the Corona pandemic and increasing requests from applicants with family or work commitments are the reasons why a new hybrid variant will be added to the established psychology program. The MHB is the first university nationwide to offer this opportunity to interested individuals who – despite restrictions regarding space and time - dream of psychotherapy studies pursuant to amended licensing regulations.  

24 July 2023

New teaching hospital. The Johanniter-Krankenhaus Treuenbrietzen received recognition as an academic teaching facility for the MHB in July, subsequent to a cooperation period. Hospital director Mirko Rücker signed the agreement.


14 July 2023

Newly appointed professor. Recently appointed as a professor of translational immunology at the MHB Brandenburg/Havel location of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Barbara Seliger organized a first symposium entitled “Tumor Immunology Meets Infectious Diseases” (TIMID).

8 July 2023

New doctors for the region. 34 graduates of medicine who started their program of choice in April 2017 were celebrated with a ceremony in Brandenburg/Havel. Particularly satisfying is the fact that the majority, the same as the two cohorts before them, opted for specialist training at one of the cooperating hospitals in Brandenburg. Seven of them began the five-year specialist training in Brandenburg/Havel.

30 June 2023

Funding from governmental innovation committee. October 2022 saw the start of EDELL, a project to design and test an instrument to include SDM into guidelines, Prof. Dr. Dawid Pieper, director of the MHB Institute of Health Services and Health Systems Research IVGF, oversees the project. Project partners are: Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin ÄZQ, Clinical Guideline Services and SHARE TO CARE. Further support comes from the guideline program oncology and an international advisory board. Funding approval covers a total of approximately € 672,000 over a period of three years.

27 June 2023

First postdoctoral lecturing qualification. Dr. med. Georgios Nikolakis acquired a postdoctoral lecturing qualification in dermatology and venereology at the Faculty of Health Sciences, a joint institution of MHB, University of Potsdam and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg. He gave his inaugural lecture at the MHB in Neuruppin on 27 June.

17 June 2023

Research. Researchers from the MHB, the College of Health and Life Sciences of the Hamad Bin Khalifa University and the medical center Sidra Medicine (Qatar) have identified mutations in human DNA which may influence the production of so called IgE antibodies. These antibodies can induce allergic reactions to otherwise harmless substances.

14 June 2023

UKV gearing up for the future. The university hospital group (UKV) of the MHB is gearing up for the future. The plan is to identify upcoming challenges and decide on coordinated action so that university medicine and patient care in Brandenburg can be expanded and made future-proof. These and many other issues were in the focus of the first UKV Strategy Day 2023 in Werder an der Havel on 14 June, attended by about 80 representatives from the MHB and its associated university hospitals in Ruppin-Brandenburg, Bernau, Brandenburg an der Havel and Rüdersdorf. Participants met in various thematic rooms to discuss common potentials, chances, visions, open questions and worries.

25 May 2023

EU funds for healthcare research on vascular surgery. The MHB is taking part in the European study VASCUL-AID. Researchers aim to develop personalized treatment plans for patients with cardiovascular disorders based on data collected. The project receives comprehensive funding of € 600,000 from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program.

24 May 2023

Scholarships for MHB students. More time for studies, for specific research projects during university years or just for other important things in life such as family or volunteer work - a gift for 59 students enrolled at the MHB who receive scholarships. Some of the sponsors: local savings bank Ostprignitz-Ruppin, regional savings bank association, MHB sponsors association, Thiemann Foundation, German Parkinson’s Association, and regional associations for hospice and palliative care.

15 May 2023

State press conference announces new model curriculum. Ten years after its foundation, the MHB introduces another important course of studies to start with the summer term 2024: the Brandenburg Model Curriculum of Dental Medicine. Organizational support comes from the Brandenburg chamber of dentists (LZÄKB) and the Brandenburg association of health insurance dentists (KZVLB). The parties involved made the announcement at the state press conference in the Potsdam parliament.

4 May 2023

Solidarity against Sexism. The MHB has joined the nationwide campaign “Solidarity against Sexism” in support of a society with equal participation and free from sexism, sexual harassment and stereotypes. MHB equal opportunity commissioner Georgia Fehler signed the campaign declaration on behalf of the university.

21 April 2023

Over a scheduled period of four years, the MHB accompanies a rehabilitation project at twelve residential institutions of geriatric care. The project seeks to include rehabilitative measures in therapeutic care with the aim of improved care and quality of life for the elderly.


20 April 2023

Award for health services researchers. Dr. Felix Mühlensiepen and Susann May from the MHB Center for Health Services Research in Rüdersdorf receive the Heinz Pichlmaier Award for young researchers at the Cologne university hospital.  The newly created award honors interaction between hospice and palliative care.

4 April 2023

Digitization of OSCE exam at MHB. Objective structured clinical examinations are a modern exam type to test skills in coping with medical routines and handling patients. The test format with oral and practical elements requires considerable effort in terms of personnel, logistics and material compared to traditional theoretical exams. The MHB has now introduced the UCAN system as a digital support of OSCE exams to ensure more quality, transparency, comfort and fairness in the evaluation of results.  

3 April 2023

Welcome ceremony for beginners. About 100 new students celebrated their enrolment in courses of medicine and psychotherapy at the event venue Kulturkirche Neuruppin last Monday. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liedtke, president of the Brandenburg parliament, praised the contribution of MHB to healthcare in the region.      

9 March 2023

MHB joins worldwide research network. The Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane together with its group of university hospitals in Neuruppin, Brandenburg (Havel), Bernau and Rüdersdorf near Berlin joins the research network of the Joanna Briggs Institut (JBI) of worldwide renown. The JBI, based at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide (Australia), is an international non-profit center of research and development. As the world’s leading institution in the field of evidence-based healthcare the JBI links academic facilities with hospitals and decision-makers in health provision.


27 February 2023

Recognition of honorary activities. Ivo Haase, member of the MHB sponsoring association, received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in recognition of manifold honorary activities.  

17 February 2023

Masks no longer obligatory. Masks are no longer obligatory on MHB premises, in line with general regulations and on account of the stable incidence of Corona infections.

14 February 2023

First Elise Taube Medal of Honor.
Dr. Karin Harre, family doctor with a practice in Walsleben, chairs Brandenburg’s GP association. She is the first winner of the Medal of Honor named after Elise Taube and received the newly created award from MHB president Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon at a recent ceremony on the premises of the Brandenburg Medical Association in Potsdam in the presence of Brandenburg’s Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher. The award was named after Elise Taube, a largely unknown physician born in Finsterwalde in 1861 and the first woman to get a medical doctor’s degree in Berlin in 1905.  One of the pioneers of female physicians in Germany and then Prussia, she was exemplary for overcoming the obstacles that early in the 20th century still denied women access to the profession irrespective of competences and performance. The MHB awards the medal on recommendation of the executive committee. Eligible for nomination are persons who show active commitment to the university in various ways or outstanding dedication to healthcare issues in the MHB context.

20 January 2023

MHB plans first dental medicine program in Brandenburg. The MHB intends to offer a course in dental medicine starting in 2024. In an interview MHB president Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon announces plans to establish the course in Brandenburg (Havel) with an annual intake of 48 students. A dental clinic required for practical training is to be created on the grounds of a former power station next to an old tram depot.


Badge of Honor for Dieter Nürnberg. Dipl.-med. Frank Ullrich Schulz as president of the Brandenburg chamber of physicians awarded the Badge of Honor to MHB founding dean Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Nürnberg for services to the medical fraternity in the region in a ceremony on 3 December 2022. Apart from numerous activities as a representative of occupational interests with the WHO and ultrasound associations at national, European and global level, Prof. Nürnberg was on the MHB founder team from 2010 to 2014 and served as inaugural dean until 2016.


7 December 2022

Cancer in children due to CT scan? Study results from the MHB and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirm a higher risk of brain tumors for children after exposure to radiation in computer tomography (CT). In collaboration with IARC researchers and other partner institutions, Prof. Michael Hauptmann (MHB professor of biostatistics and registry research) analyzed data from a total of 658.752 children who underwent one or several CT scans. They found a statistical correlation between radiation dose and brain cancer risks and estimate that one in 15,000 children after CT scanning of the head is expected to develop a radiation-induced brain tumor within 5 to 15 years after the scan. The study was published in The Lancet Oncology.


15 November 2022

New Master course. A new Master course in Health Services Research started at the Brandenburg Medical School, jointly organized with the Faculty of Health Sciences (FGW), on the Campus Rüdersdorf in the winter term 2022/23. The focus in this nationwide unique concept is on innovative solutions and recommendations for person-centered healthcare provision in structurally weak and rural areas, to be developed in collaboration with students.



25 October 2022

Honored for life’s work. At its 95th meeting in Debrecen, the Hungarian Association of Dermatologists presented the Nékám award as their highest scientific distinction to Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Prof. honoraire Dr. h.c. Christos C. Zouboulis in recognition of his life’s work. Prof. Zouboulis is a senior physician at the Dessau municipal hospital / immunology department and holder of a professorship of dermatology, venerology and allergology at the MHB and the Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences.   


16 October 2022

Graduation in compliance with new licensing regulations. From a total of 65 psychology students, 26 acquired a Bachelor’s degree and 39 completed the Master course. Among the latter are 29 who are the first psychology students nationwide to graduate in compliance with the new licensing regulations for psychotherapists.


30 September 2022

Research award from Macula Foundation. Dipl.-Ing. Anne Thier is this year’s recipient of the research award presented by the German Macula Foundation for a paper on loss of self-determined life due to age-related macular degeneration. The research assistant at the MHB Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology underlines that she applied qualitative methods, which is rare in this field of research. Since 2017 she has been conducting extensive studies in illness experiences of individuals who live with age-related macular degeneration and report substantial restrictions in quality of life.


23 September 2022

Patrick Timm: first medical graduate of MHB to complete doctorate. Timm submitted his thesis which attained the second highest level (magna cum laude) at the university hospital Eppendorf (UKE) in Hamburg. Original title: „Mammaglobin A Expression in Tumor- und Normalgewebe. Eine immunhistochemische Studie an 16.266 Tumoren im Tissue-Microarray-Format“.


15 September 2022


Exam under new licensing regulations for psychotherapists. 30 psychology students at the MHB are the first in Germany to sit their final exam pursuant to new licensing regulations between 12 and 15 September 2022. Part of the exam is a course with five stages where candidates have to demonstrate therapeutic knowledge and skills in interaction with simulation patients; an individual oral exam covers questions about a patient anamnesis conducted previously by each candidate. Every candidate was tested for a total of three hours, and twelve examiners and six simulation patients took part in the procedures. Prof. Johannes Lindenmeyer, mainly responsible for the introduction of the new courses and in charge of exam organization, reports the successful completion of the most challenging exam procedures in psychotherapy to date: “We are the first German university to have prepared students explicitly for the exam in compliance with new licensing regulations.”   


7 September 2022

Prize money for concept. The concept for a “health competence center” has been awarded a second place endowed with € 4,000 in a networker competition. Hannah Leichsenring, project co-ordinator (in collaboration with the registered association Health Consortium Berlin Brandenburg) and MHB executive board assistant, describes the objectives as follows: education about health risks and prevention, information on specific conditions and rare diseases and on the healthcare system in general; improved health competences in patients and generally improved healthcare provision specifically in structurally weak rural areas in Brandenburg.


5 September 2022

Compilation of field reports on Covid-19. Prof. Christine Holmberg, director of the MHB Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, headed the database project DIPEx which served to collate and analyze experience reports by people from all over Germany who became infected with the Corona virus SARS-Co V-2 between 2020 and 2022. These reports are now available on the website The Federal Center for Health Education provided funding for the project.


30 August 2022

Successful assessment test. Ten participants in a support program on “integration via qualification” have successfully passed an assessment test with the Brandenburg chamber of physicians and are now authorized to practice medicine in the State of Brandenburg. Foreign physicians from non-EU countries need to pass this test to document equivalence of their academic training and medical skills and expertise in order to practice medicine in Germany or start specialist training.


18 August 2022


More places for medical students. Starting with the summer term 2023, the MHB will increase the number of places available to applicants in the Brandenburg Medical Model Curriculum from 48 to a maximum of 74 per semester.   


19 July 2022


New Master course. The MHB offers a new consecutive Master course in Health Services Research, scheduled to start with the next winter semester. The Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences (FGW) will be in charge of organization, and instruction will take place at the Center for Health Services Research (ZFV-BB) in Rüdersdorf near Berlin. The focus in the new course will be on ways to ensure person-centered health provision in structurally weak and rural areas.


12 July 2022

Academic mentoring program marks another step forward. In May 2022 the Federal Government’s Science and Humanities Council passed recommendations for future-oriented teaching and learning formats. State institutions of tertiary education, so the suggestion, should establish systems of academic mentoring throughout Germany and integrate them in curricula as well as in calculations of teaching hours. Dr. Julia Schendzielorz from the Center for Course Development and Further Education Research (ZSAW-BB) is pleased to note that the MHB has once again taken the lead and is one step ahead: “In the summer of 2021 we responded to the specific learning situation during the Corona pandemic and introduced a program of academic mentoring to accompany and support our students in their professional and personal development.”


27 November 2020

MHB is entitled to confer doctorates. MHB doctoral regulations enter into force on the date of publication in the official journal of the Brandenburg University of Technology. Doctoral studies can now also be pursued at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

2 October 2020

Two matriculation ceremonies are organised for the new students of psychotherapy and medicine, under strict regulations due to Corona. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liedtke as president of the Brandenburg parliament, Science Minister Dr. Manja Schüle and Health Minister Dr. Ursula Nonnemacher attend, praise the MHB and congratulate the beginners. Dr. Nonnemacher calls developments at the MHB and specifically the advances in teaching a “true success story in and for the State of Brandenburg”, and thanks all involved for their efforts and initiative.

18 September 2020

Endowed professorship of general medicine: The Brandenburg Medical School (MHB) and the Johanniter Hospital Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt jointly establish an endowed professorship of general medicine to train medical students and future specialists in general medicine in Stendal and to initiate research projects. The Johanniter organisation (Order of St. John) provides funding of approximately 1 million € over a period of five years.

31 August 2020

New direct programme in psychotherapy: In the coming winter term the Brandenburg Medical School is one of the first universities in Germany to offer direct programmes in psychotherapy not only for 30 Bachelor students but also for about 40 Master students. The new psychotherapy law entered into force on 1 September 2020, with altered framework conditions for the training of psychological psychotherapists. Science Minister Dr. Manja Schüle praises the MHB for seizing the initiative early on and for offering Bachelor graduates a direct transition to the Master course. She explicitly welcomes the MHB concept of clinical training in cooperating hospitals as an integral part of student education right from the start, with immediate benefits for psychotherapy care in the region.

20 August 2020

Study on CoVID-19 patients in intensive care: The Brandenburg Medical School (MHB) and the Helios Clinics jointly publish a first nationwide study on CoVID-19 patients in intensive care.

25 July 2020

Funding for research project from Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): CoronaCare project explores social health in times of Corona. How has the lockdown in the context of the Corona pandemic affected social health among the general population? This is the core question underlying the “CoronaCare” project at the MHB, one of 90 Corona-related research projects nationwide funded by the BMBF with a total of € 45 million. A share of € 425.305 goes to Prof. Dr. Christine Holmberg and her team at the MHB Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology.

15 July 2020

ERASMUS programme: Brandenburg Medical School officially recognised as ERASMUS partner institution. Funding via the programmes Erasmus+ and PROMOS is now available for stays abroad.

06 June 2020

MHB organises first virtual Open Day: Dr. Eric Hoffmann, head of MHB communications, has planned and organised the information day together with a team of students and staff: “The idea is to present our specific formats of teaching and learning in virtual space to all prospective students of medicine and psychology at the MHB who want to form a personal impression of the MHB, its students and teachers.”

20 May 2020

DGK doctoral scholarship for MHB student. Jonathan Nübel, 11th-semester medical student, receives the Otto Hess doctoral scholarship from the German Cardiac Society DGK as the first student at the Brandenburg Medical School to be sponsored by the renowned medical society.

11 May 2020

1st cohort takes second medical state examination: The National Institute for Medical and Pharmaceutical Examination Questions IMPP reports that 40 out of 42 medical students from the very first cohort, have successfully passed the second medical state examination. Dean Prof. Markus Deckert underlines the significance of this event for the faculty and the entire MHB and congratulates all successful participants: “You are among those who have joined efforts to set up our university and vindicated what many believed to be a risky venture. The first class of medical students faced considerable challenges and unconventional situations and hopefully enjoyed their achievements. You have argued and campaigned and persevered, and certainly learned lots of unusual things that were – or were not - part of our didactic concept. The second state examination is an important stage on the way to an independent career in the medical profession.”

15 April 2020

MHB student initiative and German Bone Marrow Donor File DKMS start virtual typification campaign. The DKMS, a non-profit limited liability company, collects and organises donations of stem cells to patients suffering from leukaemia, to whom this means a second chance in life.

3 April 2020

Grant programme Deutschlandstipendium: The grants available for MHB students from the Deutschlandstipendium programme can be raised to the unprecedented number of 30. Nadine Shalala who oversees the programme at the MHB notes with pride that this young university once again awarded the highest possible number of grants. This is based upon the number of students enrolled and the volume of privately raised funding. 150 € per month come from private sponsors, the same amount is added from the Federal budget.

26 March 2020

Brandenburg government funding for MHB: The Brandenburg coalition party groups – Social Democrats, Christian Democrats and Green Party – agreed to amend the supplementary budget for 2020 by a funding proposal in support of the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB), and the budget and finance committee unanimously decided on the amount of 6.6 million Euro. MHB president Prof. Edmund Neugebauer says this is great news for the MHB, for the region and its population: “One reason to establish the MHB five years ago was to secure and improve medical care in the state of Brandenburg. The promised funds will serve to expand our research activities.”

13 March 2020

CoVID-19 pandemic: Frank Hufert, MHB professor of virology, heads a task force for dealing with the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2); the MHB decides on preventive measures to protect students and staff in addition to recommended rules of conduct. MHB president Prof. Edmund Neugebauer points to the high infectivity of the virus before symptoms occur since it multiplies in the upper respiratory tract. He warns that an uncontained spread, even under most favourable conditions, can overstrain the health system with severe courses and increased numbers of avoidable fatalities. The Brandenburg Medical School, so Neugebauer, bears a specific responsibility for health care and society.

20 February 2020

Junior research team for rehabilitation sciences / health services research: The Berlin-Brandenburg section of the German Pension Insurance DRV establishes a junior research team for rehabilitation sciences / health services research at the MHB centre for outcomes research ZVF-BB for an initial five years.

10 February 2020

Stefanie Oess, professor of biochemistry, receives coveted teaching award for third time in a row. Stefanie Oess says she is honoured and delighted to be named best teacher once again: “I came here three years ago because I found the innovative MHB concept with its close connection to clinical practice very convincing and planned to break new ground in teaching. For instruction in biochemistry this required a new focus, less on detailed factual knowledge and more on an understanding of broader concepts and their application in clinical contexts. I perceive this renewed distinction as a clear sign that we are on the right track.”


2 December 2019

Students from the MHB anti-sexism initiative organise a first campaign day at the university.

1 October 2019

MHB doubles number of available places in medicine from 48 to 96. In future, beginners can start their medical studies in the winter term as well. An additional small cohort of 24 newcomers is admitted for the winter term 2019/20.

10 September 2019

MHB hosts 1st Brandenburg Congress on Health Services Research. The event brings health care practicians together with researchers to discuss issues of health care provision and generate research questions. Among the participants are Science Minister Dr. Martina Münch and Health Minister Susanna Karawanskij.

5 July 2019

MHB takes seventh position in ranking of medical schools. Every four years the Hartmannbund, the association of medical doctors in Germany, awards prizes for the quality of medical education. Competing for the first time, the Brandenburg Medical School takes the seventh position.

12 June 2019

Praise for MHB from Jens Spahn. Through the agency of Dr. Dietlind Tiemann and Sebastian Steineke as members of the Federal Parliament, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (Christian Democrats) visits the Brandenburg Medical School. He confirms a very positive impression and promises to keep the MHB in mind in all decisions at federal level that might affect the MHB.

17 May 2019

MHB continues to grow and prosper. About 150 invited guests attend the ceremony to inaugurate the new teaching and research facility of the MHB on the premises of the Ruppiner Kliniken. In his words of thanks MHB president Prof. Dr. Edmund A. Neugebauer looks back on the eventful past of the building and on the comparatively short history of the MHB which started with 48 medical students and 24 students of psychology just four years ago. He describes the institution’s rapid development and dynamic growth to now over 400 enrolled students and about 35 professors. The building, so Neugebauer, offers more than 3,500 square meters on four floors under one roof for teaching events, research activities and administrative offices which up to now have been distributed over several different locations in town and on the hospital grounds.

10 April 2019

New event series: Research is calling! A research colloquium has been started in digital format via the MHB video conference system, with a total of 31 connected participants of the premiere across all MHB locations.

29 – 30 March 2019

MHB Skills Lab hosts symposium. The Skills Lab of the MHB with facilities on the Campus Brandenburg and the Campus Neuruppin hosts the 14th International Skills Lab Symposium (iSLS 2019) with approximately 200 participants.

4 March 2019

Ceremonious farewell to first psychology graduates. The first Bachelor and Master students of psychology have successfully completed their studies. MHB president Edmund Neugebauer praises their dedication, pioneering spirit and perseverance in the build-up stage: “Thank you for your trust and the chance to write history together.” The first Bachelor students started in April 2015 together with students of medicine, and the first Master students followed in 2016.

15 February 2019

Brandenburg supports new MHB faculty with 6.4 million Euro. MHB president Prof. Edmund Neugebauer, Martin Pangritz as manager of the Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Campus gGmbH and Brandenburg Minister of Science and Research Dr. Martina Münch sign an agreement on funding from the state of Brandenburg for the new Faculty of Health Sciences. The MHB will receive 1.6 million Euro per year to finance four professorships over the coming four years.

7 February 2019

MHB again participates in national grant programme. Official approval for further funding. Starting with the summer term 2019, the MHB can award up to 22 scholarships. In 2017 the MHB joined the programme with seven grants, and the number rose to 14 one year later. Dr. Eric Alexander Hoffmann as head of communications had suggested participation in the nation-wide grant programme and specifically thanks the foundation of the local savings bank Sparkasse Ostprignitz-Ruppin for their support right from the start. Half of the 300 Euros per month and recipient come from private donors, the other half from federal funds.

Set-up phase 2015 – 2018


10 December 2018

MHB visits Medical School of TECHNION Israel Institute of Technology/Haifa. An MHB delegation led by Dean Prof. Dr. Edmund Neugebauer visits the Faculty of Medicine at the TECHNION in Haifa/Israel which was founded in 1924. Objectives of the visit are personal exchange, consolidation of existing relations and a partnership agreement.

19 November 2018

Start of Brandenburg Centre for Clinical Studies (ZKS-BB). The newly founded Brandenburg Centre for Clinical Studies (ZKS-BB) starts work with a first research workshop. The aim is to inform medical and scientific staff of the MHB of the significance of non-commercial science-based clinical trials, so called Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs), and of ways to obtain support from the newly founded coordination centre.

30 October 2018

Wall decoration against right-wing extremism. MHB students have joined forces with Neuruppin’s Mayor Jens-Peter Golde to assume sponsorship for the design of the wall outside the town hall. The initiative “for diversity – against xenophobia” is a clear statement against racism and xenophobia in Neuruppin.

15 October 2018

Cross of the Order of Merit for MHB founding president. Prof. Dr. Dieter Nürnberg, gastroenterologist and MHB founding president, is awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Brandenburg Science Minister Dr. Martina Münch (Social Democrats) confers the honour on the premises of the Potsdam Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs.

13/14 October 2018

MHB van on tour. The town of Guben is the destination of the MHB van with seven medical students on board on its first tour to the countryside in Brandenburg. The idea is to visit regions threatened by a shortage of medical care and raise their chances to attract physicians.

10 September 2018

First scientific publication by MHB student. The September issue of the renowned US journal “Academic Medicine” publishes a paper entitled “Bodies for Anatomy Education in Medical Schools: An overview of the Sources of Cadavers Worldwide”, the first with an MHB medical student as lead author. Supervised by Prof. Andreas Winkelmann, director of the MHB Institute of Anatomy, Juri Habicht has explored the procurement of bodies used by anatomists all over the world in dissection courses.

6/9 September 2018

MHB students as tutors at Euroson Ultrasound Congress in Poznan. Over 1,000 students, physicians and instructors with an interest in ultrasound attend this year’s meeting of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB). The event gives MHB students Benedikt Seckinger, Adrian Gahleitner, David Boten and Gregor Barth the opportunity to pass on the knowledge and skills acquired in ultrasound tutor training to other attending students.

12 July 2018

MHB Skills Lab receives GMA certificate. The German Association for Medical Education (GMA) awards its first quality label in Germany to LuK and BLiTZ. The Teaching and Communication Centre (LuK) in Neuruppin and the Brandenburg Centre for Learning and Interdisciplinary Training (BLiTZ) in Brandenburg an der Havel are the first skills labs in Germany to receive the quality label from the GMA’s Practical Skills Committee (APF).

24/29 June 2018

Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates. MHB medical student Patrick Timm attends this year’s Lindau meeting of Nobel Laureates. Participants - this year a majority from the fields of medicine, physiology and chemistry – primarily address research issues related to the internal biological clock, personalized medicine and genetic engineering. Other topics are fake news, scientific communication and the practices involved. Summing up his impressions, Timm says a personal dream has come true.    

25 June 2018

Joint Faculty of Health Sciences. The Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, the University of Potsdam and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg sign a cooperation agreement for a joint new Faculty of Health Sciences in Potsdam today. The Brandenburg Minister of Science and Research Martina Münch presents the required permission. As core element of the Brandenburg Health Campus, the new institution aims to establish innovative degree programmes to address current issues in health sciences, and to develop new concepts for medical and nursing care. One focus will be on research into age-related diseases.

2 June 2018

Information Day: a total success! The Higher Education Information Day (HIT) at MHB attracts large crowds. About 1,000 prospective applicants have registered to enquire about MHB programmes in medicine and psychology and get a personal impression on site.

17 May 2018

Teddy clinic. The MHB campus in Brandenburg an der Havel turns into a teddy clinic for cuddly toys of kindergartners. The extracurricular student project aims to put pre-school children at ease in situations involving doctors and medical treatment, and offers a setting where not children themselves but their cuddly toys and dolls are examined and “treated”. The invitation to local nursery schools meets with enthusiastic response. The student initiative reports registrations for 90 children between three and six on the first day.

5 May 2018

MHB joins Potsdam Science Day. The Potsdam-Golm university campus hosts the 6th Potsdam Science Day on Saturday, 5 May 2018. Researchers from over 40 Brandenburg institutions of higher education and research offer exciting insights into their activities. The general public is invited to “explore, discover and join in”.

21 February 2018

Market Place of Clinics. The hospital network Ruppiner Kliniken again hosts this matchmaking event in their ceremonial hall. Medical directors, hospital managers, personnel officers and physicians from 13 cooperating clinics meet 48 beginners who will start their medical studies in April. A special feature is that the hospitals assume part of tuition fees, i.e. 80.000 euros per student. In return students commit themselves to complete their 5-year specialist training at a specific hospital after graduation. This year the cooperating clinics award a total of 32 loans.

20 February 2018

First endowed professorship at MHB. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Wenger, medical technology expert at the IHP – Leibniz Institute of Innovative Microelectronics, is appointed professor of microelectronics in medical technology at the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane.

12 February 2018

Teaching award 2018. Medical students honour Stefanie Oess, MHB professor of biochemistry, with the teaching award 2018 as the best instructor.

2 February 2018

Scientific internship. The campus Brandenburg an der Havel hosts the first student-organized scientific congress where students present projects from their scientific internship. Medical student Christian Blei is awarded first prize for his study on “seamless versus conventional aortic valve replacement as an option to reduce perioperative stress”.


24 January 2017

Secretary of State Dr. Ulrike Gutheil visits MHB

Dr. Ulrike Gutheil, Secretary of State of the Brandenburg Ministry for Science, Research and Cultural Affairs, talked to the university management and students to get a first-hand impression of the current situation at the MHB. Dean Prof. Dr. Neugebauer was pleased with her appreciative comments on what has been achieved so far, and is looking forward to a continued close and constructive collaboration with the Brandenburg authorities.


14 December 2016

BMBF supports project AngioAccel with 1.7 million euros

Prof. Dr. Ivo Buschmann, director of the university angiology clinic and expert in vascular medicine, and Dr. Philipp Hillmeister, microbiologist in charge of the experimental angiology department, receive 1.7 million euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF for their project AngioAccel. They explore vascular disorders on the MHB Brandenburg campus and plan to further expand research in experimental angiology and test the effects of their new intervention in clinical studies.

1 October 2016

Start of new Master programme in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (M.Sc.)

The new Master programme “Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy” (M.Sc.) started with the winter semester 2016/2017. It is designed to convey to psychology students the relevant subject-specific knowledge and the practice-oriented skills and competences required for a successful professional career. Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Gerhard Danzer is the spokesman for the programme: “With a specific combination of theory and application which is unique in Germany, the Master course offers a maximum of practical relevance and patient orientation.”

17 August 2016

New space for new physicians

A new name panel was ceremoniously unveiled at a former school building in Brandenburg an der Havel on 17 August 2016. This is the new location of the Brandenburg Medical School, campus Brandenburg an der Havel. Mayor Dr. Tiemann and Prof. Edmund Neugebauer as the designated Dean of the Brandenburg Medical School attended the ceremony. The first medical students will move over from Neuruppin for the summer term 2017.

11 August 2016

Cooperation agreement with social enterprise Chancen eG

Solidarity-based financing of education is the idea behind the so called “inverse contract between student generations” which the Witten social enterprise Chancen eG offers to students as an innovative mode of payment for tuition fees after graduation, related to a graduate’s income. Complementing the existing attractive financing models, the inverse contract aims to ensure that studies at MHB are not a question of money but personality and suitability.

Jennifer Gierke moved from North Rhine-Westphalia to Brandenburg for her medical studies. She has opted for payment after graduation because this leaves her a maximum of freedom in curricular organization as well as later specialization: “Repayment rates will not be pre-fixed but based on my actual income at that time. This income-dependent payment mode is without risk for me, and certainly a fair and socially acceptable way to finance university studies.”

23 June 2016

In the presence of the Minister of Education Martina Münch and district administrator Ralf Reinhardt in his capacity as Chairman of the MHB Supervisory Board, MHB signed the agreement of cooperation with the University of Potsdam and the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg to establish the health campus as a further significant step to strengthen health research in Brandenburg.

14 May 2016

About 600 prospective students and their families visited the first Open Day and sought information about degree programmes and specific features of MHB.

MHB had invited interested young people and their families to get a personal impression of the specific features of MHB and learn more about the programmes in medicine and psychology. Visitors received information not only about the medical model curriculum (BMM) and the Bachelor in Psychology (B.Sc.) but also about the characteristics of Problem-Oriented Learning (POL) as an innovative teaching and learning format. They had ample opportunity to talk to professors, staff and students.

8 April 2016

The second class of students started the Brandenburg medical model curriculum with 48 entrants in the summer semester of 2016. 144 from a total of ca. 600 applicants had been invited to Neuruppin for personal interviews, and 48 were offered a place to study at MHB.

In her welcoming words, medical student Ragna Iwers (3rd semester) described the many participation opportunities for MHB students. She underlined her personal experience at MHB as being part of a greater whole with a quotation from Fontane's novel "Effie Briest": "Man ist nicht bloß ein einzelner Mensch. Man gehört einem Ganzen an."

1 April 2016

The associates of the Brandenburg Medical School appointed Martin Pangritz as Commercial Director.

Pangritz joined the MHB team as early as October 2015, first as commercial manager, and from January 2016 with full power of attorney. He came from the EBC Hochschule where he served as Vice Chancellor in charge of Human Resources and administration of the EBC facilities.


23 November 2015

Representatives from the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs visited the MHB. Division director Harald Topel, accompanied by Ute Meyer and Manuela Djondjorowa, talked to the university management, teachers and students to get an impression of the current situation.

Topel and his two colleagues attended a POL group to learn more about this specific teaching format in the Brandenburg medical model curriculum. He welcomed the opportunity to get first-hand information on site about advances and latest developments and in particular showed himself impressed with the discussions he had with students: "We also addressed issues such as the right to award doctorates and post-doctoral lecturing qualifications, and the significance of the Science Council. I found the students well informed and competent, and in summary I can say that this visit has been worthwhile."

22 October 2015

Having been elected on 16 October, the 15 members of the MHB Faculty Council met for the constituent assembly at the main hall of the Ruppiner Kliniken on 22 October 2016.

Members: (professors) Prof. Dr. Alex Alfieri, Prof. Dr. Joachim Behr, Prof. Dr. Christian Butter, Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Danzer, Prof. Dr. Oliver Ritter, PD Dr. Andreas Winkelmann; (private practitioners) Dr. Karin Harre; (adademic staff) Dr. Claudia Kiessling, Dr. Katrin Ziemann; (non-academic staff) Stephan Michelis; (students) Jonathan Nübel, Bertram Otto (both med.), Wiebke Tschorr (psych.); members ex officio: Vice Deans Prof. René Mantke and Prof. Wilfried Pommerien.

9 October 2015

MHB welcomed new entrants with an enrolment ceremony. 16 beginners from all over Germany started their psychology studies.

12 September 2015

The Mitteldeutsches Kammerorchester performed a benefit concert at the Cathedral St. Peter and Paul in Brandenburg; proceeds went to young MHB researchers.

28 July 2015

Friends and promoters of MHB, among them the foundation of a local savings bank, established a scholarship scheme for psychology students with a monthly grant of € 150 for the entire duration of studies. The scheme was initiated in April, and 19 scholarships were awarded for the start of the summer term. The certificates were handed over at a ceremony in Neuruppin in the presence of district administrator Ralf Reinhardt.

17 July 2015

The Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs confirmed the appointment of the first nine full university professors at the Brandenburg Medical School. These are:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Maximilian Albes (Immanuel Klinikum Bernau Herzzentrum Brandenburg / cardiac surgery), Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Danzer (Ruppiner Kliniken / internal medicine, psychosomatic medicine and health psychology), PD Dr. Markus Deckert (Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg / internal medicine, haematology and oncology), Prof. Dr. Ludger van Gisteren (Brandenburg Medical School / medical psychology, clinical psychology and psychotherapy), Prof. Dr. Martin Heinze (Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf / psychiatry and psychotherapy), Prof. Dr. Frank Hufert (Brandenburg Medical School / microbiology and virology), Prof. Dr. R. Mantke (Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg / general and visceral surgery), PD Dr. Walter Noske (Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg / ophthalmology) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Stoll (Ruppiner Kliniken / oral and maxillofacial surgery).

1 June 2015

The Johanniter Krankenhaus in Fläming Treuenbrietzen signed a cooperation agreement with MHB and joined the network of university-affiliated hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation facilities and private surgeries in Brandenburg.

17 April 2015

First scientific symposium jointly hosted by Brandenburg Medical School and Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung (DifE).

17 April 2015

Permanent secretary Martin Gorholt and division head Harald Topel from the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs, accompanied by district administrator Ralf Reinhardt, visited the campus in Neuruppin after the successful start of the new university.

24 July 2015

The Ministry of Science, Research and Cultural Affairs confirmed the appointment and official capacity of the first twelve professors at MHB.

13 April 2015

MHB started the first semester with 48 beginners in the Brandenburg medical model curriculum and 24 students in the Bachelor programme of psychology (B.Sc.).

10 April 2015

Enrolment ceremony: After four years of preparation, the first class of students was enrolled with a ceremony in the church of Neuruppin on Friday, 10 April 2015. The inauguration was attended by students and their families, cooperation partners from the Brandenburg network, founding members, professors, deans and supporters of the new university from science, health and politics as well as ca. 600 guests from all over Germany.

Founding phase 2009 - 2014


28 October 2014

Official foundation of the Brandenburg Medical School with three university hospitals: Ruppiner Kliniken, Städtisches Klinikum Brandenburg, and Immanuel Klinikum Bernau Herrzzentrum Brandenburg / Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf. A historical event with an important signalling effect for Brandenburg and beyond, since MHB contributes to the field of science and research and closes a gap in the German university landscape with its medical model curriculum. Prof. Dr. Dieter Nürnberg is appointed as the first dean at MHB. Vice Deans are Prof. Dr. Wilfried Pommerien (curricular and student affairs) and Prof. Dr. René Mantke (research and academic affairs).

8 July 2014

State recognition for the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB).

June 2014

Hearing of the application at the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture

May 2014

Accreditation of degree programmes in psychology

April 2014

Merger of two initiatives under participation of Christian hospitals in Brandenburg


December 2013

Application for accreditation of degree programmes in psychology (B.Sc.) and clinical psychology and psychotherapy (M.Sc.)


September 2012

Application for recognition of the university and accreditation of the Brandenburg medical model curriculum (19 September 2012)

Foundation of the division university development (director: Prof. Nürnberg)


Formation of project group "Brandenburg Medical School"

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