Dirk Lubbe
Titel: | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. |
Denomination: | Professur für Psychologische Methodenlehre |
Aktuelle Position: | Professor für Psychologische Methodenlehre |
Fachbereich: | Psychologische Methodenlehre |
Adresse: |
Campus Neuruppin
Am Alten Gymnasium 1-3
16816 Neuruppin |
Telefon: | +49 3391 39-14621 |
E-Mail: | dirk.lubbe@mhb-fontane.de |
An der MHB seit: | 01.10.2021 |
Forschung: | Psychometrische Testmodelle, Prognosemodelle, Diagnostische Urteilsbildung, Response Styles und Urteilstendenzen |
Lehrschwerpunkt(e): | Psychologische Methoden und Statistik |
"All models are wrong, but some are useful." - George E.P. Box "A basic literacy in statistics will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write." - H.G. WellsPublikationen
Meine besten 5 Publikationen:
1. Lubbe D.(2023) Advantages of Using Unweighted Approximation Error Measures for Model Fit Assessment. PSYCHOMETRIKA, 88: 413 - 433 10.1007/s11336-023-09909-6
2. Lubbe D.(2019) Parallel analysis with categorical variables: Impact of category probability proportions ondimensionality assessment accuracy. PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS, 24 (3): 339-351 10.1037/met0000171
3. Lubbe D., Schuster C.(2019) A Graded Response Model Framework for Questionnaires With Uniform ResponseFormats. APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, 43 (4): 290-302 10.1177/0146621618789394
4. Lubbe D., Schuster C.(2019) A Scaled Threshold Model for Measuring Extreme Response Style. JOURNAL OFEDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS, 43 (1): 86-107 10.3102/1076998619859541
5. Lubbe D., Schuster C.(2017) The Graded Response Differential Discrimination Model Accounting for ExtremeResponse Style. MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL, 52 (5): 616-629, 10.1080/00273171.2017.1350561
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