Wilhelm Wundt Building
Neuruppin/Grimma, 2 March 2022
MHB research project on potential uses of famous psychologist/physiologist’s last residence.
PD Dr. Andreas Jüttemann, research associate at the MHB Institute of Anatomy, is vice chairman of the sponsors’ association for the Wilhelm Wundt building. Wilhelm Wundt, so Dr. Jüttemann, enjoys worldwide renown as the most prominent founding father of academic psychology. His last home near Grimma was exposed to decay until a preservationist and wife of a Wundt researcher acquired the building only very recently. The Federal Government and the State of Saxony provided funding of € 500,000, and reconstruction works can start soon.
Although the house has been saved, potential uses of the listed building in the border region between Brandenburg and Saxony still remain to be clarified: “One option would be to use the house for specific research purposes related to Wundt or the history of physiology and psychology in East Germany. Another would be to create a local connection point between academic facilities in the sense of the “citizen science approach” for the north of Saxony and southern Brandenburg. A viable concept needs to be developed, and the financial resources required for implementation are not yet in place.”
Dr. Jüttemann welcomes the MHB announcement to assume the patronage of the project and start a donation campaign in support of his fundraising efforts. Collected donations will go to an MHB research project to clarify the continued use of the building and develop possible long-term financing concepts. Additional plans envisage a scientific meeting and a student-organised exhibition on the history of physiology and psychology.
Account for donations:
Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg Spendenkonto
Sparkasse Ostprignitz-Ruppin
IBAN: DE44 1605 0202 1001 0390 80
Please add as purpose of transfer: “Wilhelm Wundt Haus”.
The MHB is a non-profit institution and can issue donation receipts (starting from € 200) upon request (please indicate your address).
Anybody with an interest in the project is welcome to send an email to andreas.juettemann@mhb-fontane.de.
For further information on the project and a virtual 360 degree view of the building see here.