Virtual information on MHB courses

Neuruppin, 27 November 2021
After a virtual Open Day last summer, the MHB again opened its virtual doors this Saturday to prospective students of medicine and psychotherapy. A mix of presentations by teachers and students and a combination of videos and interactive live events served to convey an authentic impression of the MHB, the range of courses on offer and the practice-oriented formats of teaching and examination. Questions were answered in chat rooms in parallel to the live activities.
Dr. Eric Alexander Hoffmann is in charge of communications at the MHB and co-organizer of the event together with a student team. “The idea was to offer potential students a personal view of the MHB despite Corona, without risk of infection or obligation to wear masks, without time and cost expenditure. We provided first-hand information and lots of practical tips on student life and accommodation in Neuruppin, selection procedures, student grants and financial aspects. The format makes it easy and convenient for prospective students and their parents to attend despite the physical distance, to receive personal impressions and get immediate answers to questions.”
Social distancing, but highly individual and interactive communication
Attendance at the virtual information day required a PC/laptop or a smartphone/iPad with internet access, camera, speaker and microphone, and installation of the free Webex app.
Former psychology student Tom Putensen was again responsible for most of the organization. He reports an excellent response with about 500 registrations: “It was a very personal and interactive event despite the social distancing necessarily involved, and we were able to answer lots of questions. This was another information day with a varied and interesting overview of MHB courses, and the subsequent feedback from the chat rooms was positive throughout.”
Hoffmann underlines the advantages of the virtual information day. Originally born out of necessity - the Corona pandemic, the format is now well established, and the positive feedback confirms that it works fine. The event is a low-threshold service, saves the time and costs involved in attendance on site, while permitting direct and personal exchange with students and instructors and offering the requested information about the MHB. “This is why we plan to organize a further virtual information day next year, regardless of Corona. But we certainly hope that a face-to-face event here in Neuruppin will also be possible.”