Prof. Johannes Lindenmeyer speaks of “distorted drinking culture”

Approximately 42,000 males and 16,000 females die in Germany every year because of excessive alcohol consumption; about 1.3 million are alcoholics, and about 9 million have problematic drinking patterns. Psychologist Prof. Johannes Lindenmeyer, professor of clinical psychology with a focus on rehabilitation psychology at the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, has been exploring the mechanisms of addiction for decades, treated affected persons and developed concepts for addiction therapy.
This is the topic of an interview with Prof. Lindenmeyer in the program "Zwischentöne" of the radio station Deutschlandfunk. Here are some of the questions: What made you consider psychology and the topic of addiction? Are there examples of drinking cultures that are actually working? What about the treatment of addicts? But Prof. Lindenmeyer also reveals whether he drinks himself, how he got his first name – Johannes, how much he drank on the occasion of his 18th birthday, and why alcohol consumption can never be healthy.
For the entire interview click here. Prof. Lindenmeyer will moreover be our guest at the MHB event series "Lebenswege - Wie ich wurde wer ich bin", where invited individuals describe their career paths and personal development. For further information see here.