Once again next year! MHB involved in Potsdam Science Day for the first time.
Potsdam, 7 May 2018
The Potsdam-Golm university campus hosted the 6th Potsdam Science Day on Saturday, 5 May 2018. Researchers from over 40 Brandenburg institutions of higher education and research offered exciting insights into their activities. From 1 to 8 p.m. the general public was invited to “explore, discover and join in”, watch spectacular experiments and learn more about innovative projects that will change tomorrow’s world.

A total of approximately 200 events on the agenda reflected the diverse range of scientific activities in Brandenburg, again including renowned research institutions like the Leibniz and Helmholtz associations and the Fraunhofer and Max Planck societies. Exhibitions, workshops and lectures were offered in the campus buildings. A researcher camp invited visitors of all age groups to perform experiments, test their knowledge and get a first-hand taste of science made in Brandenburg: exercise with robots, decode secret writings, or discover stars in a virtual firmament. Stage shows provided additional entertainment.
The Brandenburg Medical School participated for the first time, with a big pagoda marquee as location for various presentations and events. MHB experts from the fields of cardiology, cardiac surgery, psychology, psychiatry and biochemistry were available to be interviewed and answer questions. They presented latest clinical innovations from interventional cardiology and heart surgery, functional models of technology to support the circulatory system, as well as new heart valve models. Current research activities including findings from the last MHB research internship were illustrated on posters.
According to Dr. Anja Haase-Fielitz (Immanuel Klinikum Bernau/Herzzentrum Brandenburg), many visitors used the opportunity to have their blood pressure and blood sugar measured and get information on heart attack risks. Children in particular enjoyed the numerous activities and were busy cutting out paper hearts, blowing up heart-shaped balloons or having hearts painted on their cheeks.
Many visitors, mainly students, asked about the Brandenburg Medical School and its programmes, application procedures and specific features in medicine and psychology. Haase-Fielitz: “The day was eventful, a team-building experience, and also great fun. Despite the enormous effort involved, all colleagues were highly satisfied in the end and determined to repeat the experience next year.”
The association proWissen Potsdam organizes the Potsdam Science Day, with the backing of the Potsdam University, the Brandenburg business development agency, the Potsdam public utility company and numerous research facilities and regional businesses.