Patient care, medical education and research
New director for ophthalmology clinic, UKB Brandenburg
Brandenburg an der Havel, 5 January 2024
Ophthalmologist Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Johann Lang (39) is the new director of the ophthalmology clinic at the university hospital in Brandenburg/Havel. Born in Erlangen, he was active at the Erlangen university hospital for 13 years, later as senior physician in the ophthalmology department. He is looking forward to his new task in Brandenburg and specifically the interesting combination of a well-established hospital and a young university. He has already been appointed to the MHB professorship of ophthalmology.
Clinic director Lang plans to establish a highly modern facility for anterior segment surgery in Brandenburg. The anterior segment comprises conjunctiva, cornea, iris and lens. The specialist has pertinent experience in the field of corneal transplants – a further benefit to the university hospital Brandenburg/Havel. His aim, so the new director, is comprehensive care provision for the regional population with easier access to interventions based on latest findings, latest techniques and technologies. In Freiburg, Lang conducted extensive studies to treat Keratoconus, a degenerative eye disorder with structural changes of the cornea, and will continue this research in Brandenburg.
Apart from patient care, education and research, a very special project will keep him busy in the coming weeks: the 7th edition of “Lang Augenheilkunde”, scheduled to be published by Thieme Verlag next spring. Stefan Johann Lang issues this ophthalmology textbook together with his father Gerhard K. Lang, the former director of the ophthalmology department at the university hospital in Ulm. Representing the third generation in a family of ophthalmologists including both parents, Stefan Johann Lang freely chose the discipline “despite” the family history, as he jokes.
Stefan Johann Lang is married and has three children. The family will join him in Brandenburg. For the time being he enjoys exploring the town on foot, to get exercise and a clear head in the fresh air. The family car, an electric vehicle, is still in Freiburg.