Matriculation ceremony
New MHB generation: University welcomes 150 new students

Neuruppin, 4 October 2024
The Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB) welcomed about 150 new students at the Kulturkirche Neuruppin last Friday. The winter term started for 69 future physicians and 52 Bachelor students of psychology, together with 31 Master students of psychotherapy and a further 13 doctoral students.
MHB president Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon described the current global situation as marked by wars, crises, catastrophes and considerable uncertainties. He mentioned a number of momentous elections in the course of this year and the challenges involved for Europe and for Germany. He pointed to the heated discussions about Corona and the follow-up phase, debates on the present violent confrontations in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the challenge in dealing with extremist parties and with migration: “All this threatens to divide our society and undermine our trust in democracy, humanity and the rule of law. The MHB stands for a diverse, caring and liberal society and is therefore deeply worried about the emergence of antidemocratic and extremist parties not only in America and Europe but here in Brandenburg. Openmindedness, respect, democracy and freedom are causes which I personally stand up for, and which have made our country not only fair and livable but also economically strong and will continue to do so. You as MHB students and prospective physicians and psychotherapists have a particular responsibility to give equal treatment to individuals irrespective of origin, beliefs, color, sexual identity and orientation, to meet them with empathy and protect them from illness.”
Thinking outside the box
Medicine and psychology cannot cure everything that makes people suffer, according to Prof. Christine Holmberg, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology. In her address she described how education in medicine and psychology teaches students to function as psychologists or physicians, “to function, to listen to others, to collate facts and - based on these facts and on what has been heard - show up ways to help patients regain their own capacity to act. To support patients in leading a healthy life. But you will also have to learn to cope with the limits of your professional capacities. Physicians and psychotherapists cannot cure everything that makes people suffer. A good deal of all that goes beyond the immediate scope of action and the legal framework within which students and future physicians and psychotherapists can operate. Such limitations can be hard to bear, and instruction at our faculty and university takes this fact duly into account. We encourage students to look beyond the borders of their chosen discipline, to learn where to seek advice or suitable cooperation partners in order to provide support to others. In addition we have introduced relational and thereby communicative skills as core elements into our curricula”, so Prof. Holmberg.
Comprising four campus locations (Bernau, Brandenburg an der Havel, Neuruppin and Rüdersdorf) and backed by an association of three university hospitals, the MHB has been synonymous with practice-oriented and science-based teaching concepts as well as the integration of research, student education and healthcare provision for 10 years. In this way the MHB offers courses of the highest medical and academic standards to its almost 1000 students, including the option of a doctorate.
"We learn how important it is to stick together and support each other"
As a Master student Daniel Krüger is already an “old hand” among psychology students. In his words of greeting to the newcomers he appeared convinced that they would start out fully motivated and expectant to “deliver top performance”, have a great time and engage with university affairs: “But don’t worry, you will not be under great pressure of expectation, everybody is allowed to proceed at his or her own pace. This is more or less what we stand for as future psychotherapists. But I can promise that some of you will see how cool it can be to get properly involved and throw yourself into something you are convinced of, or what you have initiated or would like to advance. You will always find open doors for this mindset at the MHB.”
Ilias Aasim from Cologne is a third-semester medical student. To him, the MHB is “far more than a place to study. It is an environment of friendship and personal growth. It offers first-class medical education and at the same time a real home. Here we learn how important it is to stick together and support each other – in learning, in the SkillsLab or in leisure activities. The team spirit we enjoy here is going to support us not only during our time at the university, but it will also be invaluable in our future professional careers. I am convinced that what we learn here in medical practice or research or whatever, will shape us and help us to become the kind of physicians we hope to be.” He quoted from the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva: “I will not permit considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient.” Ilias Aasim went on to say that this should always be on your mind wherever you are or whatever your role is: “To me, being a physician is not just a vocation, it is a passion to be lived, and not only in a doctor’s white coat.” In the current geopolitical context, with an increase in authoritarian regimes, wars and human right violations in many places in the world, the pledge of the World Medical Association stands out as a silent act in defense of these fundamental rights.
Brandenburg’s Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher and Prof. Dr. Thomas Stamm as vice dean for curricular and student affairs had further words of greeting for the new students. Carla Kniestedt again acted as presenter of the afternoon event. Musical accompaniment was provided by the Berlin Jazz Ensemble directed by Prof. Dr. Johannes Albes, cardiosurgeon and highly-gifted musician.