Project proposal for town budget 2024
MHB wants more colour for Neuruppin

15 August 2023
The Brandenburg Medical School (MHB) seeks funding of € 30,000 from the 2024 budget of Neuruppin for a street art festival project. 1 September 2023 is the deadline for the local population to vote on the proposal.
Dr. Eric Alexander Hoffmann, MHB press officer and initiator of the project, has the details: “We are thinking about a street art festival in Neuruppin as a community project for students of the MHB and of local schools. Together with regional and international street artists, they will have the opportunity to adorn and decorate unused or defaced wall surfaces, ideally in collaboration with regional companies and institutions such as the local youth facility. Such contributions to art in the public space would add to the attraction of the town for locals, guests and tourists alike.”
The € 30,000 requested would be split between several headings: “As a rule, the walls to be decorated are in a poor condition and need to be plastered or at least whitewashed. Apart from paints, utensils and scaffolding, there will be further costs like fees for the artists which may be considerable in some cases, depending on an artist’s prominence and renown. The overriding festival theme should draw on the image of Neuruppin as Fontane’s town and university location, address Theodor Fontane and health-related topics, and in this manner create a link between tradition and innovation.” Dr Hoffmann is highly pleased to note that the proposal has been accepted for the list of suggestions, and he hopes for the required number of votes to implement the project.
Every registered inhabitant of Neuruppin has three votes which may be given to one proposal or split between several suggestions. Here is a list of all suggestions submitted and the opportunity for online voting, and the street art festival is Project No. 9.