MHB university hospital: Brandenburg heart centre celebrates anniversary

13 April 2023
The Immanuel Herzzentrum Brandenburg will offer fascinating insights into cardiology on the occasion of its 30th anniversary on 22 April. The cardiology centre in Bernau plans to celebrate 30 years of excellent work with live coverage from the operating theatre and the cardiac catheter laboratory between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
The interested public can watch two procedures of heart valve surgery transmitted in real time either on a large screen on site (Paulus-Praetorius-Gymnasium, Lohmühlenstraße 26, 16321 Bernau near Berlin) or online via livestream. The Bernau cardiac team will perform reconstructive surgery of the mitral valve in one case, and a catheter-based intervention on the tricuspid valve in the other. Senior physician of cardiac surgery Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Albes and senior cardiologist Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Christian Butter promise to give understandable and entertaining comments on the interventions which are of interest to laypeople and experts alike.
On this special day at the cardiac centre, spectators are further invited to watch physicians, nurses and technical staff at work in intensive and intermediate care settings. They can meet former patients and can interview MHB students and graduates about their training as prospective physicians. They can learn about the significance of cardiac medicine from the perspective of clinical pastoral care. And they can join the cardiac team in looking back on developments over the past three decades and looking forward into the future.
What: Anniversary Day at the Immanuel Herzzentrum Brandenburg
When: Saturday, 22 April 2023, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: Paulus-Praetorius-Gymnasium Bernau, Lohmühlenstraße 26, 16321 Bernau near Berlin
For more information see the website: Herzzentrum.
Free entrance. No registration required.