MHB entitled to confer doctorates

Neuruppin, 27 November 2020
MHB doctoral regulations entered into force on 26 November 2020, the date of publication in the official journal of the Brandenburg University of Technology. Students, young researchers and physicians may now complete doctoral studies at the new Faculty of Health Sciences.
MHB president Prof. Edmund Neugebauer expressed his satisfaction that after years of work and efforts the MHB is now entitled to award the titles of Dr. med. (M.D.) and Dr. rer. medic. (doctor rerum medicinalium, doctor of theoretical medicine). This, so Neugebauer, opens additional perspectives in teaching, research and patient care for the MHB and its partner clinics.
Strengthened position as a location of research and health care
In the past, MHB students and physicians at partner hospitals depended on cooperation arrangements with other universities for doctoral studies. According to Prof. Neugebauer, the MHB can now act with greater autonomy and, for example, support young scientists and physicians in clinics who have postposed their doctoral projects to a later date. Prospective doctoral candidates looking for a supervisor can now choose from all MHB members coopted to the Faculty of Health Sciences: “This clearly makes the MHB and its partner clinics even more attractive, and thus strengthens the position of Brandenburg in the fields of science and health care.”
For MHB doctoral regulations published in the official journal of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg on 26 November 2020 and thereby effective, see here.
On the website of the Faculty of Health Sciences you find a list of coopted members and further details on doctoral procedures.
For questions please contact Charlotte Walter at the Faculty of Health Sciences, graduation office, by phone at 03391 39-14108 or Email at
The Faculty of Health Sciences is an institution co-founded and shared by the University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB). It constitutes the second faculty of the Brandenburg Medical School, in addition to the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology.