MHB co-organized Potsdam Days on Bioanalysis
Neuruppin/Potsdam, 27.11.2017
Researchers, clinicians and entrepreneurs discussed current topics, trends and developments in the field of bioanalysis in the Postdam conference centre BlauArt on 23 and 24 November.
Prof. Dr. René Mantke, MHB Vice Dean for Research and Academic Affairs, was highly pleased to note that researchers from MHB and Charité, in collaboration with the healthcare cluster as part of the Masterplan for the Health Region Berlin Brandenburg, organized an important international scientific meeting. He underlined the MHB’s intention to continue this successful development and thanked the interdisciplinary organization committee. The Potsdam meeting, so Prof. Mantke, was one of many other past and scheduled scientific events and symposia at MHB, but stood out due to the collaborative organization and not least its international visibility.
The Potsdam Days on Bioanalysis 2017 offered to researchers, clinicians and entrepreneurs a forum of exchange and information on current topics as well as new fields of application and prospective markets from the entire range of bioanalysis. Among the approximately 140 participants of the international meeting were renowned scientists and global leaders in the diagnostics market who presented new challenges and perspectives in the field. One focus was on the role of in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) for innovative patient care including the elderly, and the role of biomarkers in age-related illness.
New methods and therapeutic approaches in the fields of vascular medicine and dementia research were also presented. The key focus, however, was on biomarkers and the development of point-of-care systems which are expected to ensure better patient care outside metropolitan regions in the future.
Here is the programme of the meeting.
Organization team: Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH: Dr. Christine Mißler, Dr. Günter Peine; Brandenburg Medical School: Prof. Dr. Frank Hufert, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Brosius; Charité Berlin: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tauber.