MBH: Masks no longer obligatory
Neuruppin, 17 February 2023
Dear students, teachers and colleagues,
we are pleased to announce that masks are no longer obligatory on MHB premises with immediate effect, in line with general regulations and on account of the stable incidence of infections.
However, we still recommend that you decide whether to wear a mask or not in a responsible and situation-specific manner. We would also ask you to follow the example of Asian countries and use a mask in case of cold symptoms, out of consideration for others and independent of the pandemic. The Brandenburg Medical School appeals to you to be responsible and exemplary in your day-to-day behaviour and avoid infection risks to yourself and others.
In case of a significant deterioration in the infection process – which we do not expect – we would not exclude a withdrawal of the above decision. Specific regulations issued in health institutions such as our cooperating hospitals and doctor’s offices continue to apply.
While it seems still premature to dissolve the Corona Task Force we established at the start of the pandemic, we give our thanks to all colleagues and students whose circumspect behaviour helped the MHB to pull through the pandemic more or less unharmed and take steps back to normality.
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Uwe Simon
Dr. Gerrit Fleige
Chancellor |
Prof. Irene Hinterseher
Vice President |
Prof. Dr. Frank T. Hufert
Coordinator, Task Force
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Oess
Vice Dean for Curricular and
Student Affairs |
Jacqueline May
Office Manager, Curricular and
Student Affairs |