“Life paths – how I came to be who I am today.”

Neuruppin, 18 August 2021
Unter dem Titel „Lebenswege - wie ich wurde, wer ich bin“ hat die MHB ein neues Veranstaltungsformat für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen “Life paths – how I came to be who I am today” is the title of a new event format for young scientists at the MHB. According to Jonathan Nübel, co-initiator and MHB graduate, good conversations often are a source of inspiration for novel ideas, insights and encouragement and an opportunity to learn from each other. “Mentoring is a long-standing and valuable tradition in science and research; learning from a conversation partner’s experience helps to find one’s own way. We are pleased to carry on this tradition with our new event series. The intention is not to give well-meant advice but to present individual biographies including successes and failures and everything in between. We want to get to know these stories and the scientists and thus highlight the personality behind the persona of a researcher.”
Dr. Stefan Reinsch (paediatrician/Ruppiner Kliniken and scientific assistant at the Center for Outcomes Research) speaks of difficulties facing junior researchers today: “In principle, numerous career options are open in research, teaching and patient care, but which is the right and appropriate way for me? How to cope with hurdles and obstructions that are still the order of the day in the patriarchal culture of universities and hospitals? How to make a good start at the outset of my vocational biography? The conversation series is meant to answer these and similar questions in a relaxed setting and to portray individual life and career paths of persons who are active as researchers, physicians and teachers at the MHB.”
The series started on 17 August 2021 with Sebastian von Peter, MHB professor of psychiatric care research and senior physician at the Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf, department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics. He reported from his personal life andvocational development up to now and underlined the importance he attached to finding a work environment with a focus not on power issues but on cooperation and an interest in the subject matter. Early in his career he joined up with a work group with varied institutional backgrounds but common research interests. Another aspect of importance to him is that research topics need to have relevance to his personal research interests.
The conversations of about 30 minutes duration are followed by open questions from the audience. They take place at the respective researcher’s place of work and are broadcast via WebEx under https://mhb-fontane.webex.com/meet/Forschungs-Dienstag.
Forthcoming dates are scheduled for every fourth Tuesday of the month as part of the agenda for “Research Tuesdays”. The next interview partners will be Prof. Stefanie Oess on 28 September and Prof. Andreas Winkelmann on 26 October 2021.