Information on Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2)
Here you find information provided by MHB on current measures and recommendations related to the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2). Information is being updated and amended on a regular basis.

Neuruppin, 7 February 2021
Dear MHB students and instructors,
although the current pandemic situation still makes long-term plans difficult, we wish to inform you about today’s stage of our planning for instruction in the coming summer term. We intend to start with a hybrid teaching concept for medical students which comprises virtual instruction for larger groups (seminar groups, lectures) and classroom teaching for small group formats such as exercises and practical courses. POL and TRIK instruction in medicine will be organized either in classroom or digital format, depending on how the pandemic progresses. A mixture of both formats is not intended, based on experience from the past semester. Transition from virtual to classroom instruction and vice versa can be organized, depending on the pandemic situation. Internships on the ward will continue, governed by the hygiene regulations valid at the respective facility.
For students in our psychology programmes, periods of clinical work will continue like in the past semester. Instruction for large groups will be virtual. At present we are considering how to implement a concept of partial attendance in psychology.
Nobody can reliably predict the future development of the pandemic, specifically in view of increasing mutations. We are in a continuous process of weighing up health safety, social responsibility, the requirements of efficient studies and understandable wishes for planning certainty. This means that it is too early for definite statements about a teaching concept in the summer semester 2021 beyond the above-mentioned details because this would have to be an exclusively or almost exclusively virtual concept with maximum safety precautions. This is not our intention although we are aware that our plans demand considerable flexibility from you (and us likewise). We shall keep you informed about the planning and announce details for the start of the semester early in March, i.e. four weeks prior to the semester start.
Best wishes
Prof. Dr. Edmund Neugebauer
Dr. Gerrit Fleige Chancellor |
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Oess
Vice Dean for Curricular and
Student Affairs |
Jacqueline May
Office Manager, Curricular and
Student Affairs |
Neuruppin, 20 December 2020
Dear students and teachers in the programmes of medicine and psychology,
starting Wednesday, 16 December, until at least 10 January 2012 we are in a nationwide stage of Corona lockdown. In adaptation to this situation, there will be no classroom instruction after the winter break up to the end of the lecture period (22 January 2021). This applies to all MHB programmes and the SkillsLab tutorials.
Special regulations for 6th and 8th- semester medical students and for practical work periods in psychology are as follows:
- 6th semester medicine: scientific internship (WiPra) – with immediate effect, no compulsory presence. Supervisors and students jointly decide whether and to which extent on-site activities (such as clinical or laboratory work) are to be continued, depending on project, individual conditions and hygiene concept. Content-related “deficits” in project work will have no adverse effects on proof of performance in the WiPra. Corona-related adjustments to projects/concepts and implications for results should be suitably debated as part of the scientific assignment. In this semester, results from projects will be presented not in the format of a poster congress with attendance but as a virtual event.
- 8th semester medicine: internship on the ward – we are in consultation with the respective locations and will inform you accordingly. In general, local conditions will determine format and extent of internships and instruction.
- Psychology students: practical work periods will continue pursuant to hygiene concepts on site.
Written examinations in medicine will take place on site at the usual dates late in January/early in February. Detailed information on psychology examinations will be announced on Monday (21 December).
For questions please contact us at or by phone: 03391 39 14120.
Best wishes
Prof. Dr. Edmund Neugebauer
Dr. Gerrit Fleige Chancellor |
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Oess
Vice Dean for Curricular and
Student Affairs |
Jacqueline May
Office Manager, Curricular and
Student Affairs |