Centre for Clinical Studies starts work
Neuruppin, 19 November 2018
The newly founded Brandenburg Coordination Centre for Clinical Studies (ZKS-BB) started work with a first research workshop on the Neuruppin campus last Friday, 16 November 2018. The idea was to inform medical and scientific staff of the Brandenburg Medical School (MHB) of the significance of non-commercial science-based clinical trials, so called Investigator Initiated Trials (IITs), and of ways to obtain support from the newly founded coordination centre.
In his introductory words MHB Dean Prof. Dr. Edmund Neugebauer described clinical studies as essential for advances in medicine. The ZKS-BB, so the Dean, aims to increase research performance at the MHB, secure sustained funding for research structures, gain evidence-based findings, and in the long term assume a major advisory role for clinicians in their research activities: “Brandenburg has great potential for knowledge gain in clinical and healthcare research. With its research structures and large network of collaborating clinical partners the MHB offers excellent chances to enhance existing potentials. Today’s workshop is a first important step towards improving procedures and results of investigator initiated trials. Let us move forward on this course!”
Structures of the ZKS-BB were presented together with problems and expectations on the part of industrial partners, followed by a presentation from the Research Dean’s office on options of public funding for research projects.
The next point on the agenda after a short lunch break was a description of ongoing and scheduled future trial concepts. Interesting discussions followed which lecturers and workshop participants alike found highly stimulating. In conclusion of the workshop there was general agreement to repeat this format and thus promote know-how and networking between researchers. One suggestion was to include practical examples of how ideas generated by students resulted in successful trials. Another was to discuss challenges and obstacles in applying for public funds, and to report on advances in ongoing projects.
The next ZKS-BB workshop is scheduled for the first quarter of 2019.