Climate crisis can kill

Neuruppin, 28 September 2020
Last Friday about 500 demonstrators marched through Neuruppin, among them about 20 MHB students, and chanted slogans against the climate crisis which, they proclaimed, robs them of their future. The demonstration was part of the global climate strike campaign. Despite Corona the number of participants surpassed all expectations, and all demonstrators duly kept distance and wore face covers.
Organized by the “Fridays for Future” movement, the protest was intended to underline once again the seriousness and threatening nature of the climate crisis. Participants started out at noon from the Fontane school with colourful flags and banners and met at a square for the central rally.
MHB students joined in with their initiative “Health for Future Brandenburg”. Speaker Marie-Luise Flohr (11th-semester medical student) underlined the close connection between climate and health: “We must make it perfectly clear that climate change signifies a medical emergency. Climate protection is health protection”, so Flohr who received much applause for presenting the key ideas and objectives of her student initiative.
Vanessa Bremer (3rd-semester medical student) was most impressed by the speech of her fellow student, and she was pleased to note the openness and curiosity of many locals and the patience of motorists who in their majority showed understanding despite long delays.
Marie-Luise Flohr described the atmosphere at the rally as pleasant, peaceful and sometimes even cheerful. The event concluded with the song “What a wonderful world”.