Best scientific presentation: MHB medical student wins award

Brandenburg/Havel, 2 November 2023
Pauline Sadrieh, 8th-semester medical student at the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB), was honored for her scientific presentation at the 32nd annual meeting of APPA (work group pediatric pneumology and allergology) in Brandenburg/Havel on 20/21 October. Her doctoral project addresses effects of a novel highly potent therapy with
Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor (ETI) on abdominal discomfort in children with mucoviscidosis, a congenital life-limiting multisystem disease. The illness, also called cystic fibrosis (CF), results in clogged glands of the entire respiratory and digestive system. Possible consequences are premature death from lung damage, or frequent digestive disorders with abdominal pains, diarrhea and other symptoms.
Pauline Sadrieh supervises a German multi-center study involving pediatric patients of CF centers in Brandenburg, Tübingen, Frankfurt/Main and Gießen. The Brandenburg center has drawn up a child-oriented questionnaire with funny illustrations and plain text to ask pediatric patients about stomach pains. Findings of the study presented by Pauline Sadrieh and directed by Prof. Dr. Jochen G. Mainz (director, pediatric pneumology and allergology/CF center) suggest that a new therapy based on ETI significantly alleviates abdominal discomfort in the affected children.
The redbrick Gothic premises of the Paulikloster – a museum and former monastery - in the heart of Brandenburg/Havel hosted the meeting of 170 experts whose focus was on lung disorders and allergies in pediatric patients. A key topic, so Prof. Mainz as conference organizer and chairman, was “adherence” as a basic problem in medicine in general, i.e. the fact that recommended treatments often remain ineffective due to insufficient compliance on the part of patients. This applies most frequently to the use of inhalation drugs in lung disorders and allergies.
MHB president Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon and Prof. Christos C. Zouboulis (director, clinic of dermatology/venerology/allergology, Klinikum Dessau) were further speakers. The meeting covered essential issues in the field with lectures, panel discussions and short update presentations by APPA specialists and other renowned speakers from across the country.
The agenda also included a celebration in the banquet room of the Gothic town hall with a live band, a comprehensive poster exhibition, and an industrial exhibition in the church nave of the Paulikloster.
For further information see here.