Against right-wing forces
Neuruppin, 1 December 2020
MHB students organise virtual lecture series against racism, right-wing extremism and group-focused enmity. Two programme items per day are scheduled from 5:30 p.m. starting Monday, 7 December 2020, up to Thursday, 10 December 2020.
The student organisers point to the events in Hanau and Halle, the murder of George Floyd, and also recent incidents surrounding the so called “Querdenker” movement (self-proclaimed lateral thinkers) as evidence that ring-wing violence and antisemitic attitudes are widespread in society. The lectures are intended to convey current knowledge about the issue, and the online format – due to Corona – offers room for exchange.
For an overview of the proposed programme see here. For more detailed information on the lecture series and recommended introductory and related reading see here.