Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program
The five-day Program prepares researchers and clinicians to develop, conduct and report robust, high quality systematic reviews.
Module 1: Introduction to Evidence-based Healthcare and the Systematic Review of Evidence (day 1) Learn about evidence-based healthcare, creating systematic review protocols, and key material regarding searching the literature.
Module 2: The Systematic Review of Quantitative Evidence (days 2 and 3) Learn about common research designs such as randomised controlled trials, how to critically appraise research, identify important sources of bias in research, an introduction to commonly encountered statistics in clinical research, when and how to conduct meta-analysis.
Module 3: The Systematic Review of Evidence Generated by Qualitative Research, Narrative and Text (days 4 and 5) Learn about the importance of qualitative research in healthcare, common qualitative research designs such as phenomenology and ethnography, how to critically appraise qualitative research, identify different methods for synthesising qualitative research and learn when and how to perform a meta-synthesis of qualitative research.
Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program
[653]Prof. Dr. Miloslav Kluger
07.11.2024, 09:00 Uhr bis 08.11.2024, 17:00 Uhr
Brandenburg an der Havel
Nicolaiplatz 19
Evidence Based Practice in Brandenburg - A JBI Affiliated Group @ MHB
Dr. Robert Prill |
Mitarbeiter*innen der MHB Ärzteschaft Mitarbeiter*innen der Kliniken Studierende
in Präsenz/vor Ort
Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Psychologie, Versorgungsforschung
990,- (extern), 890,-(MHB), 790,- (Studierende) €