Neuruppin, 20 December 2021
Marec von Lehe, medical director and senior neurosurgeon, both at the MHB university clinic in Neuruppin, visited a solidarity rally with about 300 participants in Neuruppin last Friday. They gave a vivid description of the challenges and difficulties facing hospital staff in the care and treatment of patients under Corona conditions.
What became apparent once again was the shortage not of intensive care beds, ventilation equipment or syringe pumps but of qualified personnel to operate the equipment and attend to patients. “We suffer from acute staff shortage on a daily basis,” so Dr. Julika Schön, and Prof. Marec von Lehe added: “We are coping, but we have reached our limits and need support!”
An action alliance for diversity in Neuruppin had organized the event “to celebrate and appreciate the hard-working health professionals and support an optimum of health protection in times of the pandemic”. For a recording of the event see here.