Neuruppin, 7 June 2021
MHB medical students explored the history of the Rheinsberg nuclear power plant and medical issues involved in the impact of nuclear energy, in collaboration with students of the TU Berlin, contemporary witnesses and experts. The context was a joint class on the fundamentals of medical practice in the current semester. The Berlin association “Orte der Geschichte” (historical sites) recently published the resulting book in their series on historical and memorial places.
MHB research assistant Dr. Andreas Jüttemann initiated the seminar and co-edited the publication which appeared in May: “In addition to the technical history of atomic power, students explored the anti-nuclear movement, potential radiation-induced damage to humans and environment, problems involved in dismantling the plant, and current alternative ways of generating energy in the region. They also discussed prospects of listing former nuclear power plants as protected monuments or even touristic highlights.”
A further result of the seminar is a virtual exhibition, both projects were co-financed by a programme of the Rectors’ Conference of German Universities HRK. The book is available for € 10 from booksellers, online from Vereinsverlag and on site in Rheinsberg at the town museum “Haus Stadtgeschichte”.