04 May 2023
In late March, the MHB senate decided the university should join the nationwide campaign “Solidarity against Sexism” in support of the vision of a society without discrimination. Georgia Fehler, MHB equal opportunity commissioner points to the deeply rooted presence of sexism in our culture: “Apart from the moral dilemma involved, this has a tangible impact not only on women but on our entire society. Sexism results in unequal treatment and disadvantages and therefore in a loss of societal perspectives and visions.” To address this concern, the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides funding for the campaign “Solidarity against Sexism” which is organized by the European Academy for Women in Politics and Business (Berlin).
Acting on behalf of the MHB on 19 April, Georgia Fehler signed the declaration “Solidarity against Sexism” that defines the tasks and objectives of more than 340 co-signing organizations. These comprise, for example, distinct guidelines on how to handle sexism and sexual harassment, promotion of a culture and organizations with no room for sexism and sexualized violence, suggestions for individual courses of action and provision of consulting services. The campaign sees all parts of society obliged to end and prevent sexism and sexualized violence in all their manifestations.
MHB vice president Prof. Dr. med. Irene Hinterseher chairs the equal opportunity committee. She says, in joining the campaign the MHB explicitly assumes responsibility for preventing or removing discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, religion or beliefs, handicap, age or sexual identity or orientation in all its regulations and decisions. Equal opportunities and diversity in studies and careers, research and professional practice as well as support for women and underrepresented groups at all levels constitute further special concerns and strategic targets at the MHB.
MHB president Prof. Hans-Uwe Simon underlines the significance of equal rights and diversity at the MHB to improve working environments, increase staff satisfaction and loyalty and strengthen university culture in general: “Mixed and diverse teams clearly are better teams. The MHB aims to create a non-discriminatory and safe environment for everybody. We take the lead as a pioneer and role model for the benefit of our students and staff, the region and the State of Brandenburg.